Ways to Generate Targeted Traffic to Your Site

Search engines absolutely love blogs because blogs are full of fresh content. And the reward for this many times is high rankings at search engines like google, yahoo . You can also post comments on others blogs, but don't spam! Post legitimate comments and include your website link in your signature. Become part of the community and above all. Remember, at social media sites you don't want to spam or come across as a marketer. Create relationships and be an asset to the site and its members. Have a friend or two post questions about your niche to sites like yahoo answers, and answer the questions. The questions need to be legitimate or you'll be seen as a huckster. Trying to use all seven ways to get targeted traffic to your site may be overwhelming... but you could just try and focus on mastering just one of the above techniques. Many times you can get jobs done for nearly nothing. I have someone that writes articles for me for around an article depending on the length.